Youth on the streets can’t take a day off from homelessness, so neither do we.
Thanks to you, Teen Feed is there for youth 365 days a year, when no one else is.
Please enjoy Teen Feed’s 2014 Impact Report (or see below) to see the support you have helped make possible for youth in need this year.
Over the past three years, Teen Feed has nearly doubled its services to youth. We are meeting the needs of more youth, and doing so more effectively, than ever before. For youth experiencing homelessness, stability begins with a warm meal in a safe space. Over that meal, our staff and volunteers work to connect youth with one-on-one support coordination, shelter and housing referrals, healthcare access, warm clothing, and the resources they need to survive on the streets. Your giving drives our ability to provide a consistent safety net of meals, support, street outreach, and basic needs items to young people in need every day of the year.
Click Here to make a 100% tax-deductible gift in support of youth, today!
Change needs to start somewhere. For homeless young people, that somewhere is Teen Feed. Thank you for believing in the bright futures of the youth we serve.
The post Your Impact: Why Giving to Teen Feed Matters appeared first on Teen Feed.